Are you concerned about your wisdom teeth?
When you would need to have your wisdom teeth removed
It’s possible that your wisdom teeth (2 on the upper and 2 on the lower jaw, left and right) may start giving you trouble. For example, they may become impacted, become infected, cause decay on adjacent teeth or put pressure on adjacent teeth. Whatever the case may be, you could experience discomfort, and it may be time to remove the teeth.
What Mathee Dental Studio will do for you
At Mathee Dental Studio, we can help by removing the wisdom teeth. The process depends on the severity of the problem, and we’ll fully discuss all the options with you prior to any work taking place. Once agreed on the procedure, we may proceed or make another appointment.
To remove an impacted wisdom tooth, we would first expose the whole tooth (cut in the gum covering the tooth), and then remove it. In some cases, it may be easier to first divide the tooth into pieces to move it. Once the process is complete, we’ll cleanse the area and of course put in any stitches that may be required.
We’ll ensure the process is as pain-free as possible. This may include the use of a local anaesthetic, or perhaps sedation. Should the process be complex and intricate, you could require a general anaesthetic, only given in a hospital.
Once the procedure is done, we’ll still be by your side to help you during the recovery. It may be sore for a few days after, and it may be wise to take some painkillers to assist at the start (not to mention eating only soft food).
We’ll also give you all the guidance to help avoid any infections after the tooth has been removed, which may include an antibiotic and a mouth rinse.
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 17.00
After hours and Saturday by appointment only