In need of a root canal?
When you would need a root canal
When you experience immense pain in your tooth, or are sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks, or your gums swell and become sore, you may need root canal treatment. Your root canal – a fine channel in your tooth – is filled with nerves and blood vessels (together called dental pulp). This pulp could become diseased as a result of decay, cavities, a fracture, a crack or chip, wear and tear, and a variety of other reasons.
Your root canal – a fine channel in your tooth – is filled with nerves and blood vessels (together called dental pulp). This pulp could become diseased as a result of decay, cavities, a fracture, a crack or chip, wear and tear, and a variety of other reasons.
What Mathee Dental Studio will do for you
Root canal treatment sounds painful. But at Mathee Dental Studio we make use of our characteristically gentle approach to minimise any discomfort, and we guide you carefully through the process. First step is we drill an access hole into the tooth to get to the root canal (this sounds worse than it is and off course it is all done under strong local anaesthetic). Then we take away the infected pulp and disinfect the fine channel. Once we’ve finished the process of sterilizing the area, we seal the hole with a filling. Sometimes patients may need to also take antibiotics to help get rid of the infection. Note: while we want to complete the process as quickly as possible for your own sake, it may take 2 – 3 visits before the treatment is finished. A good filling is most important and most of the times we will recommend a crown on a root treated tooth to help ensure the long-term success and prognosis of this tooth.
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 17.00
After hours and Saturday by appointment only