Need orthodontics?
When you would need orthodontics
If you have crooked teeth, or a bite that just doesn’t fit perfectly together, you may need orthodontic support. Examples of a problematic bite could include an overbite (when your upper front teeth lie too far forward) or an underbite (where your lower teeth are too far forward).
Many feel crooked teeth detract from their looks and their smile. But aside from appearances, it’s also harder to keep crooked teeth clean, and therefore the risks to these teeth are higher. In fact, teeth that don’t fit perfectly also make our chewing muscles work harder than most – and that can cause headaches, jaw joint problems and back and neck pain.
How does it work?
Orthodontics can help correct these teeth – so that they take the positions they should, and therefore fulfill their role in your mouth. Orthodontics includes using fixed and removable appliances in your mouth to help correct an abnormal bite and straighten teeth, and to retrain your muscles.
What Mathee Dental Studio will do for you
We’ll assess whether orthodontics will help you. We undertake full examinations and look at your dental health history. We’ll then offer a variety of treatments – differing for adults and children. In severe cases, we’ll refer you to an orthodontist. We can also help through our payment plan, especially developed for this treatment.
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 17.00
After hours and Saturday by appointment only